Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chai & Macchiato

Him: "Hey let's make druids!"

Me: "Sure!"

Him: "But I don't wanna make cows."

Me: "K..."

guh, nightelves, the girls kinda scare me so I made a man elf because they look ok scary xD I'm the guy and the bf is the girl ;w; But i was in charge of names, so I was Machiatto cause that's part of mah favorite drink, and she had to be Chai, to play on the whole coffee drink thing.

I like high places, "Yo whats up." (We played on the Muradin server with these two.)

she has an interesting shape from the back >3>

Another druid got bear form the same time we did, we all had to join in on the dancing celebration xD

Heading to the main town as burrrs.

A nice "couple" pic of Macchiato and Chai.
She picked up Skinning and Leatherworking, and Macchi had Tailoring. It was so amusing that she went out to kill and skin things to make leather gear, and Macchiato sat and made dresses for the two of them. His serious face makes it even better xD

She's a crafty one...


Have a dancing bear on your bear!
**SEE! I SWEAR! There's that Emu statue again!

Classic! I changed Macchi's hair to match Chai's hairstyle, but it ended up making him look girly, so I changed back to ponytail, it looked better on him anyways.

Episode Jinzaki

Ahaha, troll rogue this time! xD So he's dead now...just to make way for my troll druid in the cataclysm patch, which you will meet later. But here's Jinzaki in all his glory before he died, yaay!

Giant red mohawk is awesome.

I loved this quest at the end where his brother pops up and thanks you, so touching ;w; And lookit the red heads xD

Witchdoctor, talk to me!

"Going up!" One of my favorite spells Bom'bay casts >:3

Haha, I couldnt help but do another height comparison, this time troll and tauren. Obviously the bulls are bigger :3

Waves from the Razor Hill inn.

I found this lil orc boy and his "dog". Jin why you look so angry? xD

And so I hiked up one of those high hills in the barrens one day, and look what happened xD I loved the atmosphere up there, so I was a silly and had a screen session.

I love this pic of jin.

And then I found this dude up there! He was probably doing some sprititual smithing up top this mountain/hill thing xD

Happy days as the sun sets.

AND THEN HE DIED. I will miss you Jinzaki, good times ;__;

Honeyboy Tribute

So this is Honeyboy!
And yes, another belf rogue, which is technically my first ever wow character made on the bf's account a long long time ago. I could say probably 3 years ago xD
Initially I wanted her to be my main since I ventured with her in the beginning, but the bf thought that if I transferred her from his account to mine would be a waste of 20 bucks for only a lvl 24.
So thus, Zuura was born! And me being bummed that I couldn't have Honeyboy, I made Zuura in mind, being "emo" with the shy black hair xD As a silly way of mourning, but of course she's really not too emo anymore, hoho~

MAH BABY!! I will transfer you one day when I get a spare 20 bucks!

Omg yes! Turkey Honeyboys! She's so adorable, I kept her like this up until the bf reactivated his account this fall xD

Haha lookit the character window xD And this is Honeyboy's red dragonhawk companion! I remember when this thing was like 4 gold or something, if i remember way back, and the bf was nice enough to get him for me! I remember this little dude kept me company on those lonely questing missions in Silvermoon and the Ghostlands ;w; I love him so much.

Yay! Inn buddies <3

Sexy Masks

January 8 & 13, 2010

Questings again, but we found those super cool masks *W*

Lvl 68, slowly getting there.

Yummy rogue face mask thing, so happy ;w;

random cool shot of this troll and raptor.

Yay! Old Orgrimmar inn <3 I love hanging out with these guys. And lookit my lil Devi Hatchling staring at the scary rug face xD

Alli with any eyepatch and Dejonda's bear butt.

Super crazy, a twin?? xD

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Stay away from the voodoo!

January 6-7, 2010

Zuura Shaman?!

Mmhmm, you know when you've reached Thousand Needles when...

"I got this for you!"

Voodoo madness! Now she's as tall as a troll!

"Don't eat me! Run away~!"

ohoho~ height comparison >w>

Lookit that silly npc grunt x3

Nagrand Ventures

January 4, 2010

Save the Clefthoofs! I want one as a mount soooo bad!

Lookit Jheel, dranei are cute when they're lil ;w;

Dancing in front of the Auction House >:3

So jealous of him in so many ways.

Super bright purple ring of doom.

Height comparison and trolls are taller than night elves, yes xD

lovely field pic

Hiding again!

"What you looking at?"

Nuuu! poor witch doctor, we will avenge you!